Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Santa Sack Swap

Just look at the loot that I got in the mail from my Santa Sack Swap partner Marissa

 This has been another fun swap.  We were required to send each other a couple of packages each month since July.  Well I guess I must have been very good this year because I got wayyyy more than 2 a month.   I am sure that I didn't do nearly as much as she did and need to send her a really super big THANK YOU MARISSA!!!!
Our opening date has not been revealed to us yet but so far I can tell that Marissa has made little charms that she put on the packages and she wrapped most of them in fabric so I will have a whole new stash when I get done opening.  If you get the chance to join this swap next year I can wholeheartedly recommend it to you.  You can see all of the fun over HERE.  Only a few more days and we get to see what we got!


  1. very tempting Vickie,not long to go now.xx

  2. Oh, how delish is that!! Love the ruffle sack - plaid too, be still! Yes, it has been hard to wait - soon.

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