Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pin Cushion Swap

Look at the AWESOME new Pincushion, needle holder and scizzor holder that my new friend Leslie  made for me! We both entered a swap that I read about from Charming Chatter  and went directly to Dandilion quilts  and entered. I am having a blast entering these swaps, this was my second one and there will be many many more!!! This Pincushion is heavy, I think she put sand in it to sharpen my needles and pins. The colors are perfect for my sewing room in pinks and greens, my favorite colors. Leslie embroidered a V on the pin holder and the scizzor case is perfect for my little stork scizzors that I use all the time.  This is going to be one of my most treasured posessions!  FUN FUN FUN !!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vickie!
    I wasn't sure if you received your package!
    The pincushion has an inner core filled with Birdseed sand, so, yes, it will help to sharpen you pins and needles!
    I'm glad you enjoy your package and it will have a special place in your sewing room!
    Take care, Leslie
